Instrumental Festival
Praise Band Festival
Not Scheduled for 2024-25
Roster Due:
Instrumental Information
Grades: 6th - 12th
Solo: Brass, Woodwind, String or Percussion
Small Ensemble: 2-6 members
Large Ensemble: 7-16 members
Orchestra: 50% or more orchestra instruments
Concert Band: 50% or more band instruments
Other Instrumental Group
Praise Band (will be held on a separate day)
- Each group will have a set time (depending on which group is performing) to set up, perform and strike the stage.
- Performance grade level I,II,III,IV,V,VI: These are the levels of graded difficulty in instrumental music. Directors will choose two contrasting pieces. The following categories have been provided to accommodate groups that may perform at more than one level.
- In order to properly categorize your group, pieces must be selected from adjacent or same levels.
- Competition levels are as follows: A, B, C, D, E
- A= I-II
- D=IV-V
- E=V-VI
- Example: If a group’s selections include a level I and a level II piece they are considered competition level A.
- Selections: Directors will choose two contrasting pieces of music. JW Pepper has several lists that you can use to help choose pieces. (GAPPS does not provide a list)
- Concert Dress: Uniform worn by students when performing formal concerts with their local school orchestra/ensemble.
- Scoring: Performances will be graded according to the festival rating system.
- Superior: Reserved for uncommonly exceptional groups that stand out as having performances that are nearly flawless
- Excellent: Truly fine work; worthy of compliment and praise. Students are performing well
- Good: Performance demonstrates some good technical and musical achievements; however, improvement is needed to be considered excellent
- Fair: A moderate number of significant problems mar the desired positive effect of the performance
- Poor: Many severe problems mar the desired positive effect of the performance
- All schools must provide 3 original scores that have numbered measures for the adjudicators. If you cannot provide an original score, you must have a letter of permission from the publishers along with your copy. Students must perform with original parts. If you have to transpose some of your instrumentation you must specify that in the original score that is given to the adjudicators.
Praise Band
March 14, 2024
Young Americans Christian School
1701 Honey Creek Rd SE
Conyers, GA 30013
Roster due date: 2/29/2024
Grades: 7th - 12th