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2425 One Act Festival Middle School

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Middle School One-Act Festival

Feb. 11 and Feb. 12, 2025

The Plaza Arts Center

(305 N Madison Ave, Eatonton, GA 31024)

Roster Due: 2/3/25

The Plaza Arts Center (Spec Folder)

General Festival Rules

  • NOT a competition
    •  (After each play, the judges will confer to give a rating (Superior, Excellent, Good, or Fair). They will then conference with the students and directors to give suggestions for positive constructive criticism.)
  • For 5th-8th grade students
  • Musicals ARE allowed, as well as comedy and drama.
  • Schools should choose scripts with universal appeal, literary merit, and substance. Please no social awareness plays. This should be a fun, engaging, learning experience for all students. 
  • Each school will be given 45 minutes to perform.
    (Set up and striking of the stage are not timed).
  • After performing, schools will strike the stage and then attend a conference with the judges.
  • No restrictions on costumes, properties, and scenery. 

GAPPS Standards: (A league official or their appointee can disqualify a play for a violation)

Recognizing that all we do should honor God, special care should be taken in all selections for content, language, characters, costumes, and gestures. Penalties may be incurred for violations at the discretion of the judges and GAPPS officials.

Specific areas of concern: 

  • No graphic or lewd gestures towards other actors and/or the audience. 
  • No profanity should be used at all during ANY performance. 
  • No vulgar humor ever, and  please watch/minimize “low humor”

  • Please be especially vigilant for dialogue that takes the Lord’s name in vain by using it in a flippant or exclamatory manner (ex. “Oh my God!”, “OMG!”). If such wording exists in the script you are using, please replace it with a more appropriate substitute. Directors, if you have scenes involving non-scripted/improvised reactions from performers, please work with them in your practices to make sure they are not using this type of language in their reactions. Any instances in a performance will, at minimum, result in a warning at the Region level and a penalty at the State level.

Participating Schools

Feb. 11

  • Calvary Christian School
  • Gatewood School
  • Lafayette Christian School
  • Learnwell Collective
  • Rock Springs Christian Academy
  • Vidalia Heritage Academy

Feb. 12

  • Arlington Christian School
  • Cherokee Christian School
  • Covenant Academy
  • Covington Academy
  • Dominion Christian School




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